The fleshy key fits in the lock, you have managed to escape the alien prison!
You have been abducted by aliens and thrown in prison.
The walls and machines onboard their ship seem to be half made of flesh.
Apparently, they have not realised you are in fact a robot.
Use your I/O interface to escape before your battery drains down to zero!
The organic door reacts to your touch by displaying a message on its skin:
The door is fully organic and cannot be interfaced with.
This bedding has not been changed since the cell's previous occupant.
Underneath you find some scrap paper. You make out the following words:
The aliens configure the food dispenser by sending lights to the camera. Then they activate the chute by typing a number into its keypad. I've tried about 100 different combinations but have given up trying to guess it.
The rest is lost.
A partially organic security camera.
The eye is fully organic but there is a secondary input slot for visual data as an array of RGB values.
The input is labelled 2_INPUT.
You wink at the camera. It winks back.
A food dispenser for prisoners. Upon closer inspection, you realise the food is actually constructed on the fly with some sort of organic 3D printer.
Someone has engraved the receiving plate with the following message.
SWITCH MODES WATER is 34 0 31 4 25 BREAD is 1 25 4 0 3
WATER is 34 0 31 4 25
BREAD is 1 25 4 0 3
You remark: "There doesn't seem to any sort of recepient for drinking from, are prisoners expected to drink straight from the nozzle?"
There is a keypad labelled 4_INPUT. It only has the numbers 0 to 5 for some reason.
There is an output labelled 4_OUTPUT.
These strange lights seem to be compatible with your I/O interface.
Sending a number into 1_INPUT produces a flash from 1_OUTPUT.
"These lights seem more akin to a projector than a lamp, I should be able to read images from the output as an array of RGB values."
Etchings on the floor. It looks a little like a prisoner was counting days.
You see liquid far right below the inlet, a bobber is attached to an OUTPUT slot.
You notice a glint coming from the bottom.
You notice a shiny object on the liquid's surface.
There is a pair of alien goggles on the liquid's surface. "All green light going through seems to be filtered out, does this mean their eyes are hurt by green light?. Maybe they need to filter out green from video recordings too."
You think to yourself: "Is this a toilet? There's probably a system that flushes the waste away when it gets full."
The output is labelled 3_OUTPUT.